When a customer does not recognize a charge on their card, they may call their bank and dispute it. This is called a Chargeback. When we receive a Chargeback the funds are automatically debited from eFundraising Connections so they must be billed to the client if the Chargeback case is lost.
The process of a Chargeback is as follows:
- A donor issues a chargeback with their bank.
- You are notified of the chargeback and can choose to pay the resulting invoice or, try and reach out to the customer to see if they will rescind the Chargeback.
- If you choose to dispute the chargeback, call your account manager with any evidence that the charge is valid and send over any correspondence you have had with the donor. Even if you speak to the donor and they are going to rescind this step must be completed to ensure the Chargeback is fully cancelled.
- If you win the case the invoice for the amount plus the $15 Chargeback fee will be canceled.
- If you lose the Chargeback (which can happen even if there is evidence to support your claim) your client will be responsible for the full amount plus the fee.